group groove

Group Groove® will make you sweat with a smile during this energizing hour of dance fitness. It’s a sizzling cardio experience that is a fusion of club, urban, and Latin dance styles set to the hottest current hits and the best dance songs ever produced! *Class offerings vary by location.




Group Groove’s cool approach will have you moving to a variety of dance styles, including Disco, Club, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Latin, Musical Theater, African, Swing, Country, and more! Ten tracks with chart-topping songs will get your heart pounding and sweat pouring as you feel the freedom of dance. Each track has been expertly choreographed to be easily followed and with a specific fitness and workout aim: '

1. WARM-UP – We hit the dance floor early with dance-inspired moves designed to help us get our Groove on!
2. FirstDANCE – Not wanting to peak too early, this track helps us get our “dance face” on. Mostly low-impact dance moves help us continue to warm up and get to work!
3. PartyDANCE 1 – The Groove party has really started now! Sometimes Latin inspired, sometimes the best of Disco…but no matter what, this one puts a smile on your dial and gets the heart working.
4. LowDANCE 1 – We work on shaping and toning the legs and glutes with dance styles that drop us low in the legs so we feel the burn…did we say urban, anybody?!
5. CardioDANCE 1 – As the name implies, this one serves up the work, meaning hearts will be pounding and sweat will be pouring! Could cardio really be this fun???
6. LowDANCE 2 – The low-down on this track is that we get lower than before. This one is designed to give us a “leg training hangover.” Urban tunes will drive this track.
7. CardioDANCE 2 – Climb to the second cardio peak with this hot, sweaty, and pounding Groove!
8. BreakDANCE – Not to be confused with resting…this is the calm before the storm.
9. PARTYDANCE 2 – The Groove party is now climbing to its final peak with Latin inspired or Disco classic hits.
10. FINALE – The workout finishes on an emotional and physical high with this big dance fusion! 11. COOL DOWN – Think slow, cool dance – the one before you go home. We’ll stretch out those dancing muscles to make sure you recover and are ready for your next Groove experience!


Group Groove is for anyone of any age who wants to have fun…lots of fun, and sweat a ton! Group Groove is ideal for: ► Anyone looking for a fun way to get a great cardio workout ► Those who might find “exercise” a bit too serious and just need to smile ► Anyone who has danced in their bedroom while using a hairbrush as a microphone ► Anyone who can't stop tapping their foot or wiggling their hips whenever they hear any song ► Those who just want to express themselves ► Anyone who wants to feel young again ► Anyone who watches Dancing with the Stars or So You Think You Can Dance


Because Group Groove is an all-out cardio-fitness jam, you can do it once a week or Groove every day. How you feel is your best gauge of your body’s recovery needs between workouts. Keep in mind, the more you Groove, the cooler you'll be!


It's perfectly normal to feel apprehensive and nervous before your first Group Groove experience. Once you get your first workout out of the way, much of the apprehension will disappear. Remember there is safety in numbers. Allow yourself to have fun because, as long as you're going in the general direction, you’re hip! During Group Groove, time will fly! You might experience mixed emotions. Just go with it. Remind yourself you are new. Adults often have very high expectations of themselves, but you have to start somewhere. It might seem like Group Groove is moving a little faster than you would like. That is simply because the terminology and movements may be new to you. With each workout, you will become more comfortable and confident. After Group Groove, you'll probably be disappointed that the workout is over. You'll be amazed that an hour is already gone. You may be surprised the next day that you are sore all over. This is a great sign; it means you got a great workout even while you were smiling and laughing.